Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Defending the Blog

It has come to my attention that some people are not happy with the recent state of my blog. I have received complaints about how sparse and uninteresting it has becoming over the last week.
I shall now defend myself and my blog:
Firstly: I'm on holiday! I'm resting and and reviving and regenerating so that by the time I return to my precious family I will be energetic, enthused with vigour and ready to do supermom-type stuff.
Secondly: I'm living with other people at present. Now I know how entertaining it's been (for me) to write and (for you) to read about all the goings on in my little unkempt abode. But it would be kind of rude for me to start writing about other people's STUFF (and trust me when I say I have some serious competition on this level), and other people's PILES (although I have a feeling this may be an infectious condition that you get from your visitors, because if I survey the room I am currently sitting in, about three of the five piles I can see belong to yours truly!)
Next: I currently find myself in a country that regularly gets doused in a seasonal sandstorm, so anywhere I look I see dust (for lack of a better word). There's dust on the streets, dust on the trees, dust on the cars, dust on the stray cats, dust on the people. All this dust sort of affects the levels of inspiration an aspiring blogger can muster up. I mean how stimulating can a greyish sky be, really?
Also: back home I enjoy the mental debate triggered through people-watching. Here people-watching is a tricky activity. Firstly it's pretty hot outside, so the number of people I'm likely to see just by looking out the window is minimal, so I would have to set off to an airconditioned mall to discover some homo-sapiens to research. When I do find a group of people going about their daily business, it's pretty difficult to be inspired much as everybody wears exactly the same thing and, when it comes to the women, well, I can't tell you much about them except that they mingle in groups of floating apparitions and that's about as much as I can see. Being covered head to toe in black makes further investigation very tricky.
So please parden the lack of exciting information or entertaining life quirps at this point in my vacation. If it makes you feel better, I will hopefully be resuming the good ol' blog you've been familiar with pretty soon. So please bear with me.


Sprinkle said...

Thanks for not writing about my stacks of STUFF!!!

Normal Mom said...

Hey there, frankly I'm enjoying not reading about your apparent whore house and it's piles. It just reminds me more often than not, that I should be attending to my own Katrina torn home and not reading your blog. tut tut. this way I can imagine I'm on a holiday in a far away sand pit and forget my own PILES.

PS. Don't worry I am sure they'll be waiting for you when you get back.....