I am even appreciating my earth suit with a new found admiration. I was told that the day you turn thirty, your body rebels, and everything drops, and your metabolism slows down and you become constipated and a number of other horrendous things happen to you. No wonder the lead-up to the day was slightly disturbing. Jeez!
Nevertheless, the day came and went, and standing in front of the mirror taking stock of this body, I had me a little think. I thought back to when I was twenty, getting married, planning to go on holiday, and buying my first bikini ever. I remember how wearing that bikini made me feel so self conscious, and how I just didn't think I had the body for prancing along the beach front all scanty-like. Looking back now, I should have worn my bikini a whole lot more.
Look, the package is still the same right? But, ten years and two kids later, some settling has taken place during transit, if you know what I'm saying? Still, not entirely unpresentable, mind you, just slightly more advanced.
And I reckon, that in ten years time, I'm going to think about the body I have today, and, compared to what it will be like then, I'm going to think that at thirty, I should have worn my bikini till it was threadbare! And so, in the light of living without regrets, I am going to (think about) wear(ing) my bikini a whole lot more, as of now.
Well, maybe not RIGHT now, seeing as it's torrentially down-pouring at the moment, but when the weather is a bit warmer, and the thought of soaking up some sunshine crosses my mind, I just might surprise myself in turning up in less than a t-shirt and pedal pushers...
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