Monday, July 14, 2008

Therapy Thread

So, I visited the shrink lady again today. I hadn't been in a while, and I really thought I had my stuff together. I went in there thinking how impressed she would be with how well I've come along, and she would perhaps let me off for good behaviour, or something. (It does have to be mentioned that therapy is NOT fun. It hurts and it's uncomfortable, and it generally leaves me with a thick head and  a dull throbbing somewhere behind my eyeballs.)


I was going to blow her right out of the water with my cool calm collectiveness. She was going to wonder if I was even the same person. I wore make-up, I was feeling so together! I had even stored up a little post-birthday buzz to leak out in her office.


When it came to the crunch, I got pretty far, I'll admit. Not as far as I would have liked to have gotten, but at least 20 minutes in. I pulled out the birthday bliss thread and smiled confidently. She just looked at me and nodded knowingly. She didn't even congratulate me, come to think of it. What am I paying her for again?


Anyway, she fiddled around in the dirty bath-water and finally found the plug and pulled on it. And so the snot works began. Folks, we're onto session four here, and I put a lot of strain on the Kleenex scale. The tissue tally ended up at 18! I know! And that was in Time minus 20 minutes! Go figure, right?


And where has that got me to? Hmm, let's see. Well, for one, the make-up was just a bad idea. By the time we were done, I looked dreadful, and it was time to fetch the kids from school (on their first day back) which meant having to meet and greet people we haven't seen for 3 weeks by not really making eye contact and mumbling something quickly under my breath as I rushed past them.


The other thing, of course, is that elf who's going to be drilling and hammering in my forehead for the rest of the afternoon. Bugger! I may need to add aspirin-response to the tissue tally for truly accurate measurement by the Kleenex scale.

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