Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Dance like no-one is watching

The thought for the day goes: Work like you don't need the money, sing like no-one is listening, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like no-one is watching... and for how many days has that been the thought of the day? Google answers the question with a whopping 1, 540 000!

But that's not my point.

Last week at the James Blunt concert (cough), I watched as fans did just that: dance like no-one is watching. And truth be told, no-one should have been watching, because if they did, they may have diagnosed the scene as a mass epileptic seizure. And no, I'm not a judgmental person. I just don't dance in public because 9 out of 10 times it just looks stupid. It does. It doesn't matter if the jiggling, shaking, contorting individual is having the time of their life, it's silly.

Lucky for me, I married a man who has the x-factor in his genetic make-up. You know what I'm talking about, right? He is one of those (very few) jivers who can actually "get down" without anyone wondering if they should ask if there is a doctor in the house. This boy can groove. He shakes what his mamma gave him so that old man Richter would be impressed! And fortunately, if one half of a couple can boogie, and loves to boogie, then the other half of the couple's contribution to the dance floor (or lack thereof) is never questioned.

Sure, I dance. Me and the kids get jiggy on occasion. And it's ok because they've seen me first thing in the morning with bed hair and morning breath. But take me to a wedding, a party, or a concert, and I'm afraid I'm going to have to go with clapping to the beat and that's it. If this body starts trying to move with the groove in a public place we will have a completely ridiculous situation on our hands. So don't even ask me, ok?

So for me, I will dance like no-one is watching, only because no-one is watching.


Anonymous said...

I'm taking a moment out of my fame to respond. I've seen him dance. Your nose will grow...

Anonymous said...

Liar, liar pants on fire! You're just jealous!

Sprinkle said...

Haha, tis true, the man can dance. But can he do that one that D did on the table at that place? What's it called? That needs its own verb, not 'dancing'.

Anonymous said...

He tried to copy D once. The word that sprang to mind was more a noun than a verb. Like maybe ... "seizure"