Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Am I reading too much into this?

If I invite someone over for a playdate, and they say, "Sure! Would you like to invite so-an-so as well?", what does that mean, actually?

Does she think that I would be happier to have someone else over instead of her? Does she not want to spend an afternoon alone with me? Will she catch my crazy? Would she rather spend the afternoon with so-an-so? Or is she just being polite? Does she want me to withdraw my invitation? Was she caught off-guard by my invitation, that the words just kind of spilt out before she thought about what she was saying? Should I ask so-and-so as well, so that she doesn't feel awkward? Am I just blowing it totally out of proportion? Again. Taking things too personally?



Gus said...

I would say, if you would like to visit with this specific friend alone, then don't invite the other friend. It's more personal, maybe you've got something specific to share. I don't think you should take it to personally.

Gus said...

too personal? See, that's why I don't comment!

Anonymous said...

But you did! And for that, I am grateful!!! Yay for you!