Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Two more sleeps

By Thursday afternoon, I will no longer be small-business owner, midwife, lactation consultant, childbirth educator. It is then that my role of chief cook and bottle-washer will resume in ernest. I feel everything: scared, exhilarated, sad, delighted, angry, relieved, envious, at complete peace, worried, convinced, stressed, satisfied, surreal, alive. Confused? A bit.
It was suggested that my new role be titled "Domestic Goddess" - sounds so exotic! I may have to pierce my belly button (again) and wear chiffon, burn incense while I scrub the bathrooms, have perfect make-up for the ironing drill and keep a crystal crown balanced on my forehead while I concoct gourmet meals for my little family. Must say, I still prefer the label: "Stay-At-Home-Mom". That title doesn't expect excellence or day-long radiance, a challenge I am sure I could never keep up with.
I am planning a low key Friday - I had hinted at staying in bed all day and getting this whole letting go of my work thing out of my system, but that was met with a fair amount of dismay. Will get up, dress and feed the kids, take them to school, drive past work out of habit and then... I will go watch a movie. On my own. Alone. With a BIG box of popcorn.

1 comment:

Sprinkle said...

Domestic Goddess is much better than Domestic Engineer.

Next time you get your belly button pierced though you're on your own. I still feel the pain. OUCH!!!!!!!!!