Sunday, February 10, 2008

Think pink

My little T-bird asked me what my favourite colour was. I said "Purple" just so we wouldn't get into an argument over who owns the colour pink. The truth is that, like my 5 year old princess, I do love pink. Pink, pink, pink and then some more. Pink that smells like strawberries and cream. Pink that makes the roses bush blush. Beautiful, girly pink!
I can really relate to pink. Sure, I don't decorate with it (much). (Yet). But I feel like pink understands me. There's the pink I feel when I'm happy (tickled pink!). It's the kind of pink that you find on the very inner bottom bit of a white rose petal.
There's the pink I feel when I'm tired. It's kind of dusty and dirty. Like the soles of AirBear's feet when she's been running around in the garden all afternoon. It's a pink that needs a good soapy soak and a gentle scrub.
There's my love pink too. It's the pink that hides just inside his lips before he kisses me. It's a beautiful deep rich pink and I feel marvelous around it.
There's my hungry pink too. It's the pastelly swirly strawberry milkshake kind of pink that reminds me a lot about marshmallows and cotton candy.
When I'm angry, it's the throbbing pink tip of my nose as I frown and all the blood in my face collects on the tip of my proboscis trying desperately to escape my furrowed fury.
The other pink is for when I'm sad. It's dark and greyish and collects in puffy rings around my eyes. It gets blotchier when I've been crying and takes a good deal of begging and pleading to clear off if I'm in a hurry to get going somewhere I need to look half decent.
There's my excited neon pink that flashes jittery butterflies in my stomach. It glows and fidgets and puts my whole psyche in a bit of a spin. If my neon pink hangs around for too long I get a fantastic headache. Ouch.
I do love pink. I feel personally done in that it is not an official rainbow colour. Perhaps more countries should have pink in their flags? Pink is great! 
Don't you think?


Sprinkle said...

I'm still not sold on the whole pink colour thing. Don't tell T.

Sprinkle said...

I'm still not sold on the whole pink colour thing. Don't tell T.