Really, knowing that you're out there, reading away while you wait for your tea to brew, your nail polish to dry, your internet transfer to go through, your FaceBook instant message to actually send through to your friend who is already offline, your solitaire game to reload, the kids to come home from school, the 6 o'clock news, the housework to go away, your ship to come in, or just because you're bored out of your mind, or I've threatened you with life and limb to catch up with my latest news, or you're just curious to figure this chick out. For whatever reason it is that you end up here (on a regular basis), it's nice to know that you're out there keeping track of my life. Someone has to.
On a more personal note, B, I really think you need to pop around more often. A, don't take things so personally. R, whatever happened to you? Am I dog poo on the pavement, or just not famous enough to keep you interested? M, you should just say "no" - it will be good for you. T, remember to take me with your morning vitamin, or your evening contraceptive, whichever you're more likely to remember. W, nice to know there's someone who spends as much time on the net as me. Other B, you need to spend more time on the net - ask W. L, I hope this serves sufficiently in place of those restrictive text messages. T, see, I can be a bit funny too sometimes. P, I hope I can provide you with a blog to grow hair by. Other T, thanks for not writing me off completely, even though you really know how crazy I am. G, I'm surprised you care enough to check in! Surprised, but glad. D, whenever you're ready, let me know. And last but not least, Another Other B, I don't mind your comments, just so you know.
Catch ya'll later, blogfans.
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