Thursday, January 15, 2009

You're gonna love me for this!

Are you sick and tired of beach trips ending in sprinklings of sand all over your car's upholstery? Do you wish you could go to the beach without having to deal with the post-beach clean up? Do you regret not having a portable shower to rinse off the stubborn grains of sand that cling to little feet and fingers making it near impossible to put sandals and shirts back on without those grains landing up at the bottom of your shoes, or in the creases of your underwear? Do you despair when you can't get the beach sand off your hands when it comes to your picnic lunch on the beach, bringing a whole new meaning to the word "sandwich"?

Are you as sick of dealing with beach sand as I am?

Well? Are you?

The solutions, my friends, is a simple one.
The answer is to fight sprinklings of sand with sprinklings of baby powder. You heard me. Forget trying to brush off the beach with a mostly damp (and also sandy) towel. Forget the wet wipes - they're expensive. Just be sure to toss a bottle of baby powder in your beach bag before you leave home. (And don't tell me you don't have any baby powder. If you have a kid - you have baby powder. Any expectant mother who has been thrown a baby shower, will have received baby powder in copius amounts. Statistics show that most expectant mothers leave their baby showers with an average of 11.8 bottles of baby powder. Further studies show that most of these bottles of baby powder are passed on as gifts to other expectant mothers at follow-up baby showers. An average of only 0.4 bottles are ever really used by the original receiver of the gift. On inquiring, it is usually determined that 80% of the amount actually used, was in fact part of a mad toddler driven scheme to recreate a snowstorm in the living room). But, I digress.

Baby powder is the solution to sand clinging to your body. Like magic, with one light dusting of talc, gritty beach sand is loosened and dissolved into thin air.

Try it!


Tertia said...

so, wait. you put the powder on top of the sandy feet / hands etc? Just sprinkle it on top?

Rebecca said...

I wish I had a beach.

Anonymous said...

Just cover the sand with baby powder, give it a gentle rub, and - voila! Trust me - I just came back from the beach now and am completely sand free! Whoopee!

Just Me said...

Yip, it does work, I have first hand experience from this morning!
Thanks Jessica!

Anonymous said...

You are sooooooooo clever... I enjoyed the stats about the baby showers. So true.