Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I said, She said

(Alternative title: Because you're tired of the New Age mumbo)

It became clear to me, a while back, that AirBear is lacking on some crucial four-year old information. In particular: names of baby animals. So I dedicated the half hour that she and I shared yesterday while T-Bird was at ballet, to rectify the matter.

This was our conversation:

Take 1:

Me: Airy, what do you call a baby cat?
A: A cub.
Me: No.
A: I don't know.
Me: Starts with a 'k'.
A: A cub.
Me: Rhymes with 'mitten'
A: I don't know.

Take 2:

Me: Airy, what do you call a baby bird.
A: An egg.

Take 3:

Me: Airy, what do you call a baby cow?
A: A cub.
Me: No.
A: Yes.
Me: No.
A: But Aunty B said so.
Me: No. Aunty B would not say so.
A: Then it was Oprah.

Take 4:

Me: Airy, What do you call a baby frog?
A: I don't know.
Me: Starts with a 't'...
A: hmmmm...
Me: 'taaaa'....
A: A tampon!



Tertia said...


classic!! Tampon! Am laughing out loud

Anonymous said...

Oh my word!
that is classic!
cant believe it!

so so so funny!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oprah said it.. it must be true

Gus said...

hehehe...had a good laugh! :)