Sound familiar?
Often, their "whys" are focussed on the bad guy in a story. Why did he do that? Trying to understand evil and conniving deceit is something my kids tend to battle with. It's a matter of trying to understand why everyone can't just be friends.
The answer, that I tend to end up with, when asked why someone did something mean, or nasty, or evil, is that the bad guy is always after more money and more power. And it's an answer that has worked for so many whys.
Why does the queen want to hurt Snow White? She wants to keep her power.
Why were Cinderella's step sisters so mean to her? Because they wanted the prince, and therefor more power.
Why does the butler try to lose the cats in Aristocats? Because he wants to inherit their fortune.
Why did the bankers take Jimmy's money in Mary Poppins? Because they wanted more money.
Why does Count Olaf try to hurt the orphans in Lemony Snickett's Series of Unfortunate Events? Because he wants their money.
And their whys stretch beyond the fairy-tale domain. Why is Robert Mugabe such a bad president? (Yes, my kids are up to date with current politics, and they are aware of the tenuous situation in our neighbouring country). The answer is more money and more power.
And so it was today that a report aired on talk-radio as we drove home from ballet. Three policemen were arrested for selling confiscated narcotics to drug dealers. We listened to the news like we always do. Some questions followed. Why were the policemen arrested? They did something bad. Why? For money, I guess. The bad guys are after more power and more money.
There was a period of industrial thinking as we turned onto our street.
T-Bird, an amazing logical thinker, described her solution to the recently reported problem: The policemen got arrested for selling drugs. Drugs are bad. Why didn't they just sell vegetables? Or lolly pops? Then they could still make money, but not get arrested.
Yes, my darling daughter, why didn't they just do that instead?
WHY!!! Gotta love their logic :)
Oh, that's too cute... Jake's never really been a 'why' kid. Sometimes, but not often. I'm sure it's going to start at some point, but I'm a little relieved we haven't hit it yet. I must remember your answers about money and power!!
Hope you're all well!
Sue x
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