Monday, May 11, 2009

A number One

I have no idea what compelled her to say it, what little nugget of festering after-thought lead to the growth of the concept, but for some reason, my demure lady-like little 6 year old has claimed ownership of the term: pee-tank. As in, on route to ballet, "Ooops! I better go to the pee-tank before my class starts!"

I tried to determine the origin of the word, but to no avail. "I just thought it up on my own, in my own head," she shrugged.

"Well, there are better things to say," I said, thinking along the lines of I need to visit the little girls' room. The part of the brain devoted to toilet humour at this age took immediate control of all her cognition. She started inventing new options. "I need to visit a private place that gets stinky," she suggested. "If I don't get there soon, I will leak," she added.

"Tinkle," I corrected her. A little lady tinkles.

She thought that was mildly amusing. "I need a private tinkle," she experimented with the phrase.

By the end of the day, her two favourites were I need to sit on the royal throne, and I need to squeeze a lemon, which had some rather dubious and primitive roots which I'd prefer not getting into detail over.


Sprinkle said...


Sue said...

That's hysterical. Your kids say the funniest things... maybe I just don't listen closely enough to mine. The terms number 1 and number 2 seem to have stuck with us. Thank goodness...

Great catching up with you the other night at Sam's. I had so much fun.

Just Me said...

Thats very funny!!!
I like the "I need to visit a private place that gets stinky" one the best! you can tell her that's my favourite!! :)