Thursday, September 25, 2008

Inflatable Fun

So seeing as our president has been displaced, and the economy sucks, and some kids got swept off into the ocean off Mossel Bay, I'm not up to much inspirational discussion. I'm taking a bit of a wait and see what happens approach. So, we'll wait and see. Ok?

In the meantime, the school holidays loom ahead. I have no idea what the weather is going to be like next week, but as far as I can see, we will have summer on Saturday, and possibly Sunday. But thereafter, there are no guarantees. So I've been trying to come up with a couple of fun (cheap) things to do with the girls, and I thought that I might share a couple of the things we've tackled so far with you. Just in case you're short on ideas too.

Seeing as T-Bird has been on holiday for a week already, and what with the rain we've had this week, we had to come up with something to do indoors (again).

The girls enjoyed this activity. On a scale of 1 to 10 for fun, it probably scored about a 7. And it was easy enough for both of them to get into without much guidance from me.

I drew templates for feet, which they coloured and cut out. They each blew up their own balloons with a little hand pump, and decorated them with faces. Balloon knotted and slotted into a tiny hole in the foot print, and... Voila! Balloon pets.

The only downfall is, because they were so easy to make, the girls each made several, and I now have little bobbing, bouncing balloon animals ogling me from just about any perch left in my house (the ones that don't have piles, of course!)

And I do actually hate balloons...