Tuesday, July 1, 2008

She'll be OK

When AirBear was in hospital, through a series of events outside of my control, we ended up with a pediatrician who really confirmed the suspicions I have had of him over the last few years. I found him rude and offensive to the point of insulting.

It took me a couple of days to work through the dialogue that had taken place between this man and myself. In so doing, my little T-bird picked up on the vibe and paid great attention to what I had to say, when I said it.

"Did that doctor make you cross, Mommy?" she asked one morning.

"Yes," I said.

"Why? What did he do?"

I proceeded to tell her what he had said. She didn't seem too perturbed by it, but was genuinely concerned for me. Placing her hand on my arm she said, "Mom, you shouldn't let it bother you. When people say things to you that make you angry or upset, you can just say, 'I don't have to listen to this!', and walk away."

All of five years and preaching self-confidence and assertiveness to her own mother!

I guess that she'll be fine, right? Fine: like go-out-and-rule-the-world-fine.


1 comment:

Natalie Blezard Ledgerwood said...

Its times like that when you know youre doing a damn fine job with raising your kids - strangely enough I was hearing about this incident today from a third party at a party