So it's over.
Without getting overly dramatic, my clinic is finished. Game Over. No reboot. I left there this morning 5 minutes too late. I just had to hang around a little longer to prolong the anguish of leaving. I took a photo over my shoulder as I drove away. No tears. No remorse. No emotion. Only memories.
Now I have TONS of STUFF filling my study (which, thankfully, has a door that I can pull shut) and then there is the other little matter of the LOADS of STUFF in my car. The TONS of STUFF in the study will not allow the LOADS of STUFF from the car any residential space. And so I am stuck with the quandary of what to do with all my STUFF. I may have to drive around for a while with LOADS of STUFF keeping me company, until I have had a chance to sort out the TONS of STUFF and somehow arrange a suitable storage solution for both.
So I have my work set out for me for the next while.
As for how I'm feeling... I'm feeling 'Unemployed', which, I believe, is a pretty common emotion in South Africa, so I am not alone. Unemployed, but by no means jobless. A mom's work, after all, is never done. (Oh, and did I mention the LOADS of STUFF I have to take care of?)
It was remarked that today would be the start of a new chapter for me, a turning over of a new leaf. But really, it feels more like something has ended. There is no beginning here, just the completion of a season. The rest continues, and I am able to focus my attention on that which has not been my primary absorption for the longest time. I am relieved. This is the right thing for me.
Oh sweet child of mine...
The times are changing. My child is growing up quite literally before my
eyes and it's terrifying and exciting all at the same time. He's
5 years ago
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